I believe that feedback is an essential dimension of learning interactive. According to Greener (2018), the teacher should ensure appropriate and timely feedback on learners’ activities. Interactive learning involves the determination of the medium used by different students to learn for the communication model used by the teacher. For instance, I have realized that most of the students learn best when active participation is used in the process. After participation, the student will get their feedback from an online platform that will allow login. Notably, a teacher may include the colour blind students in the learning process by using sharp contrast pictures. Similarly, a teacher can decide to use a technology that supports inclusion and the active learning process. For example, a teacher can opt to give notes to students who do not own a computer but have a mobile phone with a data plan.
Similarly, different students require different media and technology mix. The first type of interactive learning is ensuring interaction with materials. As a teacher, the use of blog technology will be essential in giving feedback to the students. According to Pusey et al. (2020), interaction occurs when students are allowed to work on a given medium. For instance, keeping in mind the busy schedules that parents working on a full-time basis and having two kids may have, a teacher needs to send the material to their emails. The use of computer technology has been essential dissemination of the learning interactive with applications that are essential to English language learners such as grammar checker software.
The activity to make notes and blogs to be used by the student can take one to two days, depending on the type of blog to create. The work will require a computer expert’s input to ensure that the materials designed to suit the needs of the diverse learners. Creating learning interactive will be both manageable and worthwhile, as it will assist in incorporating different learners. For instance, there are different needs such as color blindness, English language learners, loss of hearing, people working on a full-time basis, and no access to computers. The application of computer technology will be essential to incorporate the diverse needs of the students. Therefore, I feel that technology is critical and can be scaled for a more significant number of students. The application of technology will assist in offering different student interactions such as learner-teacher, learner-learner, and learner-teacher.
Greener, S. (2018). Methodological choices for research into interactive learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 26(2), 149-150. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2018.1436431
Pusey, M., Wong, K., & Rappa, N. (2020). Resilience interventions using interactive technology: a scoping review. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2020.1772837
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